*Sip tea & read time: 35 min approx

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And, we're back witches and peeps for Part II of Timely Messages For The Starseed Collective From The Tree Spirits! Have you been eagerly awaiting for this next post or installment? Cool! I certainly would be too. So, without further a due, grab your tea & "snackies," and let's get into it!


"It makes us sad dear friends and collective to witness many of you continuing to try to fit yourselves into certain employment positions, intimate and platonic relationships, environments, and even lifestyles simply because you are choosing to ignore your inner guidance and/or because you are seeking to be validated by those that do not understand and/or support the authentic you."

"Therefore, we would like to offer you some guidance here. Simply speaking, the ideal life for you as Starseeds and gifted beings is to create a vision of the type of work you believe that you would enjoy doing, along with the kind of people you would love to have in your life and be doing it with. Your ideal life would involve having individuals in your life loving and supporting you on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself as you can possibly be, in an environment that would make you say, “This is me. I belong here!” And then taking active, practical steps to make that happen."

"Now, of course this may sound easier said than done and we, the Tree Spirits understand this. So let us say this: you were not born to “fit in.” You were born to be a leader and an inspiration. You have come here to show others that there are alternative ways to living that does not have to entail bondage, unhappiness, and depletion. You are Creators, therefore your ideal life would be living as a creator. In other words, making a living for yourself by creating. Now, whatever it is that you decide to create is of course, up to you. But ideally, you should be creating something, and this act of creating should make you burst open with joy! The thought of this creating should make you look forward to waking up each day to work on or in that creation."

"For example, if you love sunflowers, like our dear Sage, but to a level where Sunflowers are ALL you think about, then you need to live in an environment and/or home where you are surrounded by sunflowers! You should have a mate that buys you sunflowers regularly. Or, you should plant and/or sell sunflowers. Or, you should draw paintings with sunflowers. Or, you should create merchandise and items with sunflower logos on them to sale. Or, let’s say that you are called to be a fashion designer, for example? Then, your clothing should be “inspired” by sunflowers. If you bake pastries, on the other hand, then your baked sweets should be at the minimum, inspired by…you guessed it! Sunflowers! Do you see where we’re going with this?"

"Your ideal life is a life where you are spending the majority of your day creating a work or art that can provide a source of inspiration and service not only to yourself, but to others, and in a way where you can earn a living doing so. Or, in a way that if you are not making a living with it, it is so much a part of your being that you are living to do it, as in a hobby, for example, because it gives you so much joy. This is your ideal life! So, the bottom line is: your ideal life as a Starseed and gifted being, however you choose to design it involves four major tenets: creating, serving, inspiring, and teaching. And you should feel joy doing it. If you don’t, then there is something (or perhaps someone) that needs to be released and/or added in order to align with your vibration of harmony."

"The same applies to following your inner guidance which never steers you wrong on envisioning your ideal life in the matter of your relationships, your environment, and so on. If you feel joy, excitement, inspiration, freedom and all of the high vibrational feelings when envisioning it, then you are headed towards your ideal life. You must then make a practical plan to create this type of life for yourself. You will always know if you are going in the right direction by how you feel. If you feel happy, excited, hopeful, and more, keep going! You’re on the right track, or you are already currently living in your ideal life."

"However, if you feel sad, anxious, angry, drained, confused, disrespected, and all of the lower vibrational feelings, then this is your inner guidance’s barometer letting you know that you are going in the wrong direction and to change course immediately. If it is not feasible to jump ship on the spot, then begin to shift course immediately starting with your mind and your new vision plan that you will also make practical steps to move towards. You see? This is your ideal life as a Starseed and gifted being, my dear friends and collective! Simple, yet not so simple, yes? *chuckles *"


"The dark beings know that their time of dominion as you have known and experienced it is coming to an end. And they are doing all sorts of nasty and nefarious things to humanity and to the planet to suppress light, love, and other higher realm frequencies from being anchored onto Mother Earth. In fact, as we speak there is the systematic destruction and deforestation of the Amazon rainforest, which is a very sacred vortex where many of us Tree Spirits live."

"These dark beings are aware that not only do we, the Tree Spirits help to maintain a delicate balance and equilibrium between Mother Earth’s ecosystem, the global climate, and the provision of natural resources for humanity, along with all of Her inhabitants, but we are also transmitters and transmuters of energy, collective consciousness, and communication to all visible and non-visible sentient beings."

"Many of you Starseeds and gifted beings are indigenous and/or aboriginal regarding your ancestry. And you have a long ancestral lineage of those, who like many of you, lived in harmony with and communicated with the land and with us, the Tree Spirits. We were and are the ones who alerted your Indigeneous/Aboriginal ancestors of the dangers that were coming, whether it was in the form or inclement weather and/or colonizers. We were and are the ones who whispered sacred knowledge and rituals in the ears of your Ancestors while they meditated under us protected by our shade. We imparted to them the secrets and mysteries of old in the form of rituals and medicines."

"Our bodies provided to them sustenance, healing pulp, wood for fire, and shelter for their families and their animals. Our bodies provided them with tools and weapons for sacred rites and rituals as well as for protection from hostile outsiders and much more!"

"We are a vital necessity to assisting Mother Earth and you, my dear friends and collective with raising your vibration at this time where technology and air frequencies are being weaponized against you to shut down your ability to communicate with us telepathically and to receive downloads from us for your healing and for the balance of your central nervous systems as you become more increasingly bombarded with harmful sonic frequencies from cell towers, electronic devices, environmental noise pollution, air pollution and the global power grid. This is especially the case for the many of you who live in heavily populated, and dense urban cities and suburban areas surrounded by less nature and more concrete and odd geometrically-shaped homes that conflict with nature’s harmonious ley lines, portals, and grids."

"The dark forces know that we the Tree Spirits are a vital necessity to humanity and especially to you, my dear friends and collective, you who are the Starseeds and the gifted beings. You who have been largely rejected, hunted, and shunned by society and the non-Starseed human collective which purposely led you to come towards us. It has led you to embrace animals and nature and we, your beloved friends and supporters, the Tree Spirits. This is why now more than ever as we are all under attack, we are coming to those of you who can hear us and are willing to impart the important messages that we have to share with you, and with humanity as a whole."

"We see all of the atrocities that the dark beings and forces commit among us, in the forests, in the woods, in the parks, in the national parks and reserves, in the underground tunnels. We see it! We hear it! And we are very angry! We also must tell you dear friends and collective that the dark forces and beings are increasing their agenda to spill blood onto Mother Earth as a series of blood rituals to open up more portals to unleash more malevolent, blood-thirsty Anti-love entities and beings."

"This means that Mother Earth’s children & inhabitants are being targeted more than ever now for ritual sacrifices, such as human and child trafficking, animal sacrificing, abductions, organ harvesting, energy harvesting, cloning, and all kinds of murder and mayhem. And those of you who are gifted beings and especially highly gifted as seers, psychics, and modern-day prophets will be called to come forth now more than ever to play a pivotal role in exposing these atrocities. Many of you will be able to dream about the atrocities through precognition to then expose the dark forces and their agendas before it is allowed to happen. You will be like the canary warning the workers in the mines that danger is ahead. As a result, you too will be heavily targeted. But you will also be heavily protected! So do not fear for you will always be many steps ahead of those who wish to harm you."

"More attacks are being planned for humanity and Mother Earth’s inhabitants and you must warn those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. The dark forces are doing everything they can to collapse society by targeting the global economy and by creating a slave wage economy and society. This is why you must practice your economic and residential sovereignty as you deem possible and fit for yourselves and your families. There is no one right way. Allow your inner guidance to lead you. Not all of you can purchase land and live on a homestead. But continue to implement ways to live a more self-sufficient and sustainable life outside of governmental control for yourselves and for your loved ones."

"More viruses and diseases are being created to depopulate Mother Earth. This also includes deliberate contamination of the land/soil, the water/oceans, the lakes and seas, and the skies (air/oxygen). So, practice holistic wellness and treat your body as a temple. Learn about the old ways of healing with herbs and tinctures etc. and all the things that kept your Ancestors thriving for centuries without modern pharmaceuticals and doctors. Learn it for yourself and then teach it to others. Remember to teach with compassion and love. Fear and militant thinking is not needed, nor will it be accepted for this goal. Love liberates. Fear controls and stagnates. Remember this."

"As the medical industry becomes more greed-driven and unaffordable, many people will be forced out of the modern health care system seeking alternative and more affordable and alternative health care and remedies. Also, more diabolical practices of deliberately denying correct diagnosis and care will continue to increase as well as part of the population control agenda, especially for Indigenous and Aboriginal women of child-bearing years who are being heavily targeted!"

"And this is where you come in my dear friends and collective! The non-Starseed collective laughed at you and mocked you when you spoke about herbs and tinctures and this and that. They called you a “weird hippie,” a “flower child,” and a “tree hugger!” But they are now circling back around, or “spinning the block” as many of you say, because they need your help! They need your wisdom and they will continue to need it in the coming times!"

"So, as the war against humanity wages and continues to increase, so shall your gifts increase, which leads us to the next section of our messages so as not to drain and over tax our dear Sage. It will be covered in the next post. So, as our dear Sage always says, stay tuned!

So, how did you guys enjoy this post which was the second installment of the Channeled Messages From The Tree Spirits? Did any of the channeled messages resonate with you on a profound level? If so, I would love to hear about it. So please do the following: 1. Join the One Wise Sage blog. 2. Share my blog posts on your social media, and 3. Post a comment! Again, let me repeat this for those in the back: JOIN, SHARE, AND POST! Got it? Good!😉

If you made it to the end of the blog post you are a real one! Please enjoy this YouTube video courtesy of ya girl!

Until we vibe again,

~Sage aka "Sage the Urban Witch"✨

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