Timely Messages For the Starseed Collective From THE TREE SPIRITS! Part I. (FROM MY CHANNELED MESSAGES FROM SPIRIT SERIES)

*Sip tea & read time: 35 min approx

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Greeting witches and peeps! It has been quite some time since I have written a post that was channeled from Spirit. If you are new to my blogsite, One Wise Sage then first off, I welcome you. Secondly, I encourage you to check out the two posts from my previous channeled series wherein I wrote about how the world would evolve during the Post-Covid era regarding the economy, regarding the overall societal shift, and regarding the evolution of relationships, and more. For those who would like to revisit those blog posts you can click the links here: 

https://www.onewisesage.com/2020/12/what-shall-new-world-post-rona19-usher.html and part two:


However, this occasion will be my first time (but certainly not my last) where I channel messages from a source or collective entity outside of Sprit. Today, ladies and gents I will be automatic writing and channeling messages from The Tree Spirits through their own personal voice and narrative! I will also section these messages into several parts and posts so as not to cause "information overload," because if you all didn't know, your girl Sage, among many other things is a writer baby! 😊 

Being able to automatic write messages from The Tree Spirits may seem kind of odd or unbelievable to some of you. This would certainly be the case if you do not possess the gift of mediumship. However, if you are a fellow medium, channeler and/or a witch, who possesses one or more of these spiritual gifts, then you understand how this is done.

As an Afro Indigenous woman and multi-generational bloodline eclectic witch with heavy Shamanic roots, channeling or receiving downloads from Spirit comes very natural and easy to me. The same goes for my ability to channel people, energies, entities, animals, my Ancestors, and non-human but sentient beings such as--you guessed it, trees! 😊

I have always known as a child that I have a deep, yet unexplainable connection to things (and people) that I could feel, but also see, sense, smell (and sometimes taste) that others around me could not. I could always sense energy in the walls, on the grass, in animals, in photos, in clothes, and on things that I touched and communicated with, often out loud. That is, until my relatives and peers began to react to me strangely. I then quickly learned that it was "not ok" to talk to these things around me. At least, not out loud where others were present and could hear me. So instead, I learned how to talk to things that were around me “in my head,” or telepathically, a word that I would better understand in my early adolescence.

Fast forward to now, I had been receiving nudges from The Tree Spirits to get their messages out quite some time ago, at least ten months ago if not longer. But, I had been procrastinating. Partly, I had been procrastinating because I was very busy with the day-to-day tasks of running my spiritual business as well as taking care of my responsibilities as a wife, a homeowner, and an animal mommy, along with everything else that comes with the territory, because as you know, life be lifing for us witches and gifted beings! 😉

I was also procrastinating simply because I did not know how the messages would be received or how people would perceive me as a medium channeling the collective spirits of trees, of all things! Yet hear we are! So, suffice it to say that I have since evolved to care less about what anyone thinks about me now. Even though, for the most part I already know that many of you--a part from the hand full of nosy ass haters and monitoring spirits--who are reading my blog will receive the messages in a positive light because these messages are designed for you.

I also believe that many of you will receive these messages from The Tree Sprits along with their pure intentions to support us trailblazers and gifted ones, especially in times where so many people and organizations target and come up against us because we are exposing and helping to dismantle their matrix beast systems.

The Tree Spirits have a lot of things to say regarding humanity and the state of our present times. So today I am being obedient and I will give voice to them as they have requested and have so patiently waited for. So, grab your tea and snacks witches and peeps, and settle in to enjoy the downloaded messages from The Tree Spirits on the topics of: The state of humanity regarding love, the ideal life for Starseeds and gifted beings, some intel about the matrix beast system and its agendas, and personal channelings that some of you as my blog readers may want to know!

Caviat: The messages were just coming in folks because The Tree Spirits had a lot to say! So, it will be sectioned into three posts/parts! This post is Part I.


“Greetings friends and collective! We are the Tree Spirits who have been here on Mother Earth for thousands of years. We were here before you, in fact, because Earth is not our original home. We come from another planet and we were “seeded here,” if you will. So, I guess you can call us settlers. We were brought here to oxygenate Earth or make it possible for humans and other earth dwellers to live and breathe on the surface (and above and below) this terrain.”

“The human collective is not native to Mother Earth neither. Humans were brought here from another constellation as slave property, or a special slave species to mine gold and other valuable minerals and resources for higher beings who are quite malevolent in nature. Humanity has been used as a bartering resource to trade off in exchange for technology and all sorts of things.”

"As for you, my dear friends and collective, you special group of Starseeds and magickal beings, you are not native to Mother Earth either! Many of you come from various constellations and star systems like Pleiaides, Nbiru, Andromeda, Orion, and etc. You have come to serve many purposes here on Mother Earth or Gaia as many of you refer to her. You were brought here to anchor love and light codes to balance the frequencies of “positive” and “negative” as you have come to understand it. You have come to expose darkness and to give humanity their divine right and opportunity to express their free will and sovereignty in a realm where the dark beings and rulers of this planet have rendered it a “slave state,” if you will."

"Earth, my friends is a battlefield. And both teams as in the team of light and the team of darkness are battling for supremacy. This war that you all find yourselves in as Starseeds is simply an extension of the war that took place in the heavens and continues to do so throughout time. Each team is warring for supremacy and you, my dear collective have been caught up in the crossfire because you are seen as THE MOST valuable resource, more precious than silver and gold to the darker beings. 

You really are gods and X-Men (and X-Women) who have yet to awaken to your full power and potential. But the dark beings are doing everything in their power thru technology, trafficking, medical/genetic experimentation, through the tampering and polluting of the air, sound, water, earth, solar, and astral frequencies to suppress or “dumb down” the light codes in your DNA which have the potential to “unlock” and activate" your God body.

"You see, you belong to Source or the Great All That Is! You were created in that perfect image. However, your genetics, your Starseed coding and everything inside of you that makes you a perfect image of your Original Creator has been “tampered with” by the dark beings through their diabolical genetic experimentations, cross-breeding programs, and other sorts of biological and genetic violations. 

However, because Mother Earth is a “free will planet" there was no substantial intervention from Source or the Team of Light to prevent the “fall” or dumbing down of the Starseed collective as well as humanity as a whole. This is why these dark beings feel as though they own you. They feel as though you are THEIR creation because of how they have tampered with you and your genetics all throughout time. They also feel as though they own this planet, Mother Earth because they were here first. You my dear friends and collective were “brought and seeded” here, like us. But the ancestors of these dark beings who control this planet were indeed here first!"

"But now, there are many factions of both the dark and the light teams, if you will, and we are all one big giant dysfunctional family that have set up “tents” and marked territories underneath, inside, and on top of Mother Earth’s bosom; and you, my dear friends and collective are the primary reason for the fight! Both teams want you! And both teams are warring for supremacy over you. War really is a game in a lot of ways. Maybe not a game to you. But those of us with a consciousness of totality who have seen this war play out over and over in the heavens (astral and galaxy) and on the earth realm just like many of your video games? We see it this way."

"Oh! There is so much that we, The Tree Spirits would like to tell you my dear friends and collective. But we shall do our best to stay on topic for our dear Sage, so as not to produce any unnecessary drain."

"With that said, let us talk about the state of humanity regarding love. Love, in its truest state is such an illusive gift on Mother Earth for various reasons. For the most part, the love frequency has been hijacked by the dark beings because it is THE most powerful frequency that is used to create (and to destroy). However, down here in the 3D-realm, the love frequency has been largely and primarily weaponized to enslave and to destroy. It has been “watered down,” altered, and contaminated where when human beings--unlike animals and other sentient beings--come into contact with this frequency it invokes the lower emotions and nature of a man and a woman that causes division rather than harmony. Lower frequency emotions such as fear, control, obsession, codependency, lust, competition, scarcity, and unworthiness, to name a few."

"The act of and state of love and the pure frequency of it was never meant to make you feel neglected, unworthy, and/or abused. But as we stated before, this love frequency has been hijacked by the dark beings who use the frequency to destroy individuals, families, communities, and every system that the human collective has become a part of. Indeed, this matrix beast system has suppressed and subverted Mother Earth’s love frequency because the matrix system is Anti-love and it thrives within the frequency of anti-harmony."

"So, what does this mean for you Starseeds who are yet to receive a mate who is capable of vibrating to the higher love frequency just like you? This means that you will either have to “call in” your high vibrational mate (which involves sacred, esoteric practices that cannot be discussed here on a public platform). Or, you will become content with being whole and complete within yourself, and in your own balanced masculine and feminine state understanding that a “partner” is a want, but certainly not a need as a high vibrational Starseed that is and therefore exudes and radiates pure love."

"Do you see us trees on Mother Earth? Do you see us standing tall, anchored in all of our regal, majestic glory? Despite everything that we see, feel, experience, transmute and transmit, we remain in a state of equilibrium, “unbothered” as you dear friends and collective say! As we stand anchored in the frequency of love so can you, if you so choose."

"What “the world” calls “Love” my dear friends and collective is simply lower frequency vibrations and insatiable biological and physical “impulses” to invoke the need to copulate and breed a bigger, human slave population to be used and fed upon by the dark forces. “Love” is lower frequency vibrations that are also invoked to feed an insatiable void that has been created by the dark beings by separating them from the one true Source of Love and that is The Great I AM, or God, Yah, Elohim, Jehovah, Allah, so many names that many of you have for the All One, due to your earthly upbringing and religious teachings. But there is only One that goes by these many names and this being is pure LOVE! Also, my dear friends and collective, the Great One does NOT care what name you call the Great One as long as you call!"

"Also, as many more portals continue to open and unleash more and more darker, malevolent energies and entities that are anti-Love, many of you will no longer seek or desire “love,” as it has come to be defined and understood in this matrix beast system. You will instead seek peace and solace within your own company and community of like-minded Starseeds. For many of you, this new way of being will be for your own safety! However, for those of you that desire to vibrate to the higher love frequency with someone, you will be shown how to “call in” your high vibrational match thru the vessel of a man or woman that you are attracted to and compatible with on many levels. For the sake of time, however, we shall discuss more about this later."

And, this concludes Part I. ladies and gentlemen, and my fellow witches and wizards. Stay tuned for Part II (and beyond) coming soon! 

So, how did you enjoy this blog post? Did any of the channeled messages resonate with you on a profound level? I would love to hear about it. So please do the following: 1. Join the One Wise Sage blog. 2. Share my blog posts on your social media, and 3. Post a comment! Again, let me repeat this for those in the back: JOIN, SHARE, AND POST! Got it? Good!😉

P. S. If you made it to the end of this blog post guys you are a real one! So, please enjoy this YouTube video courtesy of ya girl! 

Until we vibe again,

~Sage aka "Sage the Urban Witch"✨

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