“The 4 Tips On How To Manage Anxiety The Natural Way” (From The Holistic Living & Wellness Series)


*Sip tea & read time: 30 min approx

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The world has certainly changed since March 2020 when we were all struck suddenly with the global Covid-19 pandemic. And what came along with this pandemic were new economic, political and overall societal changes. These changes caused a shock to our systems, as many were not prepared for just how rapid and long-standing they would be, forever altering the fabric and structure of our lives as well as those around us.

As a result, it goes without saying that there are a lot of us who have developed anxiety in the midst of putting forth our best efforts to try to adapt to these monumental changes that affect us not only on an individual and familial level, but on a collective and global level as well. Then, there are those of us who have always battled with anxiety, but who now find ourselves contending with more exacerbated symptoms of this imbalance while simply trying to navigate in this “New World” doing our best to discern how and where we fit in.

So, in times like these, we understand now more than ever how important it is to make our health and overall well-being a priority. And for those of you who could really use some extra help and information, here are four tips that I offer to you on how to manage your anxiety the natural way.

Tip #1: Be Selfish & Put Yourself First!

Yeah I said it! One of the ways that you can begin managing your anxiety the natural way is to begin putting yourself and your needs first. Period! And I know that this first tip is going to make a few of you die-hard, self-sacrificing empaths draw back and clutch your pearls, but hear me out! As we all know, at least on an intellectual level, the number one factor that contributes to all kinds of diseases and illnesses in one’s physical, mental, and emotional being is STRESS. And this stress typically comes from taking on more than your mind, body and/or spirit can handle over long and extended periods of time.

Unfortunately, this act of taking on more responsibilities and burdens than one should is often the situation that many compassionate empaths, healers and “socially-conditioned nurturers” face. We simply take on more duties and tasks than we really need to, especially in comparison to others around us. And this act of putting everyone and their needs first and before our own, and for long and consistent periods of time often lead to chronic stress. Not surprisingly, it is this chronic stress, ladies and gentlemen, that contributes to the developing of this illness known as anxiety. 

But I propose to you my beloved empaths, caretakers and healers that, rather than resorting to “spiking” your morning coffee or tea with that secret dash of Brandy or Rum to get through your extensive “to do list,” or rather than handcuffing your little ones and spouses to that high beam in your attic and risk catching a case, a more healthier alternative to managing your anxiety is learning to say NO!

Now, for some of us whose communication and lingo is a little bit more “saucy,” that "No" may sound like, “Hell No!” Or, in my case specifically, due to my Southern and Native American/Indigenous Roots, and my “spiritually gangsta" type of nature, my "No" may sound like, “Yo?! Did you Not hear me the first time? I said, heelllll naaaaawww!” *lol* 😁

But, regardless of how you say No, just make sure that you do say it so that you can begin putting yourself first, today. Because, believe me when I tell you that the world will not fall apart simply because you opted out of being your girlfriend’s errand driver one day, and suggested that she call an Uber instead. Likewise, your world will also not go to hell in a handbasket should you decide to order carry out two to three nights a week instead of cooking that 3-course dinner for your family everyday, after you have teleworked for a full work day, did some mid-day spellcasting, and home-schooled your children! 

So, let’s recap for those in the back: The first tip on how to manage your anxiety the natural way is to be selfish and to put yourself first! This act of self-love also includes saying No! And, if done consistently, it will not only preserve your sanity and prevent you from catching a case and ending up with a 250-pound, federal roommate named, "Big Becky," but it will also help you to manage your anxiety in a more natural way! 😊

Tip #2: Cut Off The Toxic!

So, after you have had a little practice in saying, "No" to those nearest and dearest to you and especially to those outside of your sacred circle who continued to take you for granted--making your anxiety worse because you did not say No to them when you should have--the next tip for helping you to manage your anxiety the natural way is to up the ante and cut off the toxic!

That’s right folks! Cut off everything toxic that is causing you unnecessary stress and everything that is contributing to your pre-existing anxiety. This includes watching the fear-mongering news that is filled with "gloom and doom," complete with alarming statistics of increasing fatality rates due to “the beer disease,” and the pushing forward of this very suspect vaccine which many are rightfully skeptical of taking. Mainly, because of the side effects that we have observed publicly by some of those who have taken it thus far, side effects such as passing out minutes after taking the shot, and errr...DEATH! *WTF!* 😠


So, my advice regarding the news is to stay informed, yes. But refrain from being consumed and mind-controlled by it. Because, after all, there is so much that we as a collective are not being told as far as non-biased statistics and what’s really going on behind the scenes regarding the pandemic and the vaccine by the "Powers That Be" anyway. So, my suggestion is this: when it comes to watching or listening to news coverage, take what resonates in terms of using the information in order to become prepared for what's coming down the pipe, and leave the rest.

Other toxic things to cut off which will help you to manage your anxiety the natural way is toxic environments. This includes toxic work environments (specifically for those who are unable to telework) since primarily we spend the most amount of time in our work environments with exception to our home environment. Because if this pandemic has taught us one thing, it is that there is no employer loyalty and security when it comes to working for others! 

Tomorrow is not promised to any of us. So why spend those precious hours, day, months and even years in an unstable work environment around toxic people who make the reality of job scarcity more unbearable by spending your days on the job with a bunch of narcissistic, brain-dead assholes who are so anal and intrusively gross, that they time how long you take to urinate and wash your hands during your bathroom breaks for the sake of  "measuring employee productivity!" WTF!? πŸ˜•

And, the last, but certainly not the least toxic thing that we should cut off in order to manage our anxiety in a more natural way is toxic people! Can the coven say, "hell yes!" On a side note, now that I am embracing my "inner dark goddess," I would personally like to "cut" toxic people off literally! As in, cut off their limbs and donate them to the nearest alligator rescue sanctuary! Lol! But, because my hubby and family love me dearly, and also because our family motto is “Make Money, Not Bail,” I’ll just stick with cutting off toxic people in a figurative sense, and I'll give you, my dear readers, the advice to do the same! 😊

But yes! Cutting toxic people out of your lives will definitely help you to manage your anxiety in a more natural way. And for others it may even heal you from your anxiety all together. This is because many of you suffer from symptoms of anxiety simply because you are constantly around toxic people, be they family members, frenemies, workmates, or other narcissistic “Children of the Corn” freaks who keep us empaths and healers in a constant state of anger, stress, and that “fight, flight or freeze” response in the first place! 

In fact, just ridding yourself of these dark, soulless beings (by any means necessary) will not only help you to manage your anxiety in a more natural way, but it will also help you to regain a newfound sense of your youth and vitality and add years to your life, youth and years that were being sucked out of you every waking day due to simply being around these soul-sucking vampires and their gross, life-depleting energy! *Yuck!* πŸ˜–

Tip #3: Implement Holistic Modalities As Alternatives To Prescription Drugs & Self-Medicating

And then, ladies and gentlemen, once you have learned how to be selfish and how to put yourselves first, which includes practicing the art of saying No, and then cutting off the toxic people, places and things, you can finally begin focusing on the real inner work in order to manage your anxiety in a more natural way. Thus, this next tip to aid you in doing just that is to begin implementing holistic modalities (such as meditation and yoga, etc.) as an alternative to relying on prescription drugs and self-medicating behaviors to manage your anxiety.

As many of you may or may not know, anxiety has a lot to do with our minds conjuring up scenarios where we fear that something dreadful is going to happen to us and/or our loved ones beyond our control. Therefore, one of the best ways to counter this negative mind movie and our body’s physiological reactions to it is to incorporate a regular practice of meditation to quiet the mind. Meditation, not only helps you to focus on your breathing which helps you to stay grounded and present in the moment, but it also regulates or slows down your breathing. 

Meditating causes more oxygen to reach your brain thereby preventing your body from going into "panic mode" and having those panic attacks which occur when your brain is reacting to thoughts of impending danger and harm which physiologically causes your heart vessels to constrict, leading to that extremely scary feeling that mimics a heart attack or asthmatic episode.

Meditation also helps you to connect to your “higher self,” or to Spirit and the higher realms. And it is here where we go beyond the 3rd-dimensional reality of the Matrix and are suddenly reminded that we are a part of the multiverse and all that is loving and abundant. We are reminded that we only need to ask for what we need, and it will be graciously granted unto us as Co-Creators with Spirit and with the cosmos in our reality.

Yoga is another great holistic healing modality that you can and should implement in order to manage your anxiety in a more natural way. For example, Yoga combines physical movement with the practice of "mind centering." This not only releases healthy endorphins into your bloodstream, but it provides your body with the necessary movement to get the heart pumping and the muscles and limbs moving in order to maintain a certain level of strength and flexibility. In turn, all of these mental and physical benefits of yoga helps you to manage stress, thereby aiding in your ability to reduce and/or manage your anxiety in a more natural and holistic way.


Also, for those of you who may be using prescription drugs to help you manage your anxiety, however you are also open to managing your anxiety in a more natural way (provided you consult with your health care provider or practitioner first), herbs are also an excellent way to go! In fact, herbs are a more ideal, and healthier alternative to the reliance on alcohol, drug substances, pills, and cigarettes which are oftentimes used by many to self-medicate and to alleviate the symptoms of  anxiety! 

For example, there are lots of herbs available to aid in the management of stress and anxiety. Chamomile, Lavender & Calendula are some of those herbs, just to name a miniscule few. Moreover, not only can these herbs be consumed topically and orally in herbal teas, green smoothies, tinctures, extracts and salves, but you can also smoke them which helps their medicinal properties to enter into your bloodstream quicker! πŸ˜‰

Personally, I smoke a special blend of herbs almost daily as a more natural and alternative means of managing my anxiety. And although I have heard rave reviews about CBD, in terms of its ability to manage stress and balance your mood, I have yet to try it, so I won’t comment about it here. But I do know that it has been recommended as a healthier and more practical alternative to Cannibus, for example, for managing anxiety. So, I would love to hear some feedback about this assertion from those of you who have tried it! C'mon...sharing is caring! πŸ˜‰

And, speaking of mood: Some other "side tips" that I would offer here which also helps me out tremendously with maintaining a sense of "Zen" while managing my anxiety in a more natural way, is ditching the bright lights in your home (and if you can) your work  environment. I offer this suggestion to you because, as we know, most empaths and healers are highly-sensitive, and we become overly stimulated really quickly to external stimuli such as bright lights, loud noises, extreme temperatures and pungent smells. And if exposed to these stimuli for long periods of time without any relief, it can definitely cause and/or aggravate one's pre-existing anxiety!

For this reason, I opt for the low-watt light bulbs to use in our home and work environment instead of the 60 watts or higher. My thinking is that as long as I can see what the hell I'm doing and not run into hubby or my fur children, I'm good! *lol* I also use a lot of candles! Well, first of all, I'm a witch! So it goes without saying that candles would be fully stocked in my home at all times. But, in terms of managing my stress, I find that in addition to offering a more natural and warm kind of lighting in my home, energetically, candles emit a higher frequency than light bulbs, in my humble, witchy opinion, and they just make me feel good! 😊

Implementing essential oils to diffuse in my home also helps me to manage my anxiety in a more natural way as well. I keep oils such as Lavender, Lemongrass, Frankincense, and Grapefruit on standby at all times (outside of for my rituals & spellcasting) for this very reason. So, not only do my essential oils keep the smells of my two rambunctious fur babies at bay--cuz I love them much, but they can sometimes provide a level of stink that your girl cannot tolerate--but they work wonders for helping me to stabilize my mood and manage my anxiety in a more natural way. Thankfully though, hubby is good with making sure that they get their baths and breath freshening at least twice a week, which also helps me to manage my anxiety in a more natural way! *Go hubby!!* 😊

Tip #4: Constantly Seek Knowledge & Wisdom

And this, ladies and gentlemen, brings me to my last tip on how to manage your anxiety the natural way. And that tip is to constantly seek knowledge and wisdom. That's right folks! Let's face it. One of the reasons for anxiety is “the fear of the unknown!” In other words, because you are constantly ruminating over what could or might potentially happen to wreak some kind of havoc or crisis in your lives--be it a financial, relationship, career/job or some unforeseen health challenge--you are constantly stressing yourselves out! 

Thus, it goes without saying that all of this unnecessary worrying exacerbates the symptoms of your anxiety. However, if you were to simply arm yourselves with the power of information by constantly seeking knowledge and wisdom on matters of concern, so that if and/or when they arise, you would not only be prepared to live in a more proactive and empowered kind of way to resolve such issues, but you would also be placing yourselves in an excellent position to be able to manage your anxiety in a more natural and healthier way.

Lastly, by constantly seeking knowledge and wisdom on matters of concern that affect your personal and intimate life, as well as your life as a part of the world's collective which extends to political concerns--such as the ever increasing creation and implementation of “draconian laws” created to impede on more of your civil liberties, privacies and protections, for example--this informed awareness about such matters could also help you to manage your anxiety in a more natural and healthier way. 

Because, again, knowledge is power! And the more that you know about the agendas which are created to govern your life, the more you can become empowered to choose the best options and decisions to ensure the best interests of yourself and your loved ones. And I don't know about you, but this act of staying informed by constantly seeking knowledge and wisdom sure does help me to manage my stress in a more natural way!

So, how about you? Do you have any tips on how to manage anxiety the natural way? If so, I would love to know about it. So please do the following: 1. Join the One Wise Sage blog. 2. Share my blog posts on your social media, and 3. Post a comment! Again, let me repeat this for those in the back: JOIN, SHARE, AND POST! Got it? Good! 😊

And, until we vibe again!

~Sage, aka "Sage the Urban Witch"

Copyright © 2020 A Wise Sage. All rights reserved

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Also, I'm back from my YouTube hiatus! So, here is one of my dice divination videos, "Wow! You Have A Lot Of People That Hate You And This Is Why!" from the archives! Enjoy!


